Sunday, 29 January 2012

Week 3: Social Bookmarking and Aural skill building is a great website!! How come I never came across it before! It a site to bookmark all your favourite websites and categorising them in different folders. You can even share with others what you have found on a certain topic. Although as everything new, it took sometime to understand the different components of Delicious. But with patience and being adventurous on clicking on other things was great fun! I managed not only to tag the links but also to make different stacks (folders) with different purposes. I would definitely use this for my course, as a place to have the articles and other sites for my class.

Here is my link on delicious:

Regarding Aural/oral skills reading, I had a slight idea that CALL influenced in language teaching. One thing that called my attention was the use of online software used to do prosody ( intonation, stress and rhythm) analysis in research that later on was used in class by several teachers. Some of the software were: CAPT, zipworld and WinPitchLTL (academic article from The pedagogy-technology interface in Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training - A. Neri, C. Cucchiarini, H. Strik, L. Boves).

Read more on CALL ( and )

I tried using zipworld, but no success in understanding how it worked. I know they are good for students to compare their intonation with a native speaker. But a question arouse , what is considered a native speaker? There are a variety of definitions on that respect, better discuss that on another post.

Oh and if you want to have a look at these websites for oral skills development in class or extra activity for your students, have a look! I really liked them!!

Podcast directory for different topics :

A bit of everything for British influence, TV, radio, etc.:

Short and long podcasts with pre, while and post listening activities, look in Randall's lab:

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Week 2: web searching and ABCD objective

Refresh.... I teach Research Methods to English teachers at university. In the building there is no internet, the only bibliographical information for coursework are. So *free* online academic libraries is what I need.

First of all, I got to say that is wonderful! Knowing that there are other free tools online made my week. I have been wondering about this last year and could not manage to find anything like it. I was looking for free digital libraries for my university course and found some interesting sites.

I tried Intute, looking for articles on primary education and there are tons! But the backside is that you have to pay for most of the articles. And my language school is not subscribed to any digital library that I know of. Hmmm I might look into the big campus for that.
have access to it and if what they have available would be useful for us.

On the other hand, I really liked INFOMINE for keys words and academic articles are free!
University of North Texas ( Directory of Open Access Journals ( provide several free academic articles. I found very easily a variety of research academic articles on primary education and EFL education. These will be useful for my students to read to get inspired on their possible research topic at the end of the semestre, plus practice basic research skills on education. I think I will be using these search engines to develop certain research skills with my students. And why not, even see what other research methodology tools to use for certain academic research read on these sites.

The downside is that very few of these research engines are in another language, other than English. English is the main source of information. So teachers and students should have a high level of English in order to use these tools properly.

Another thing we read about this week was on learning objectives. It was new to me the name 'ABCD model', but had come across something similar. I love Bloom's taxonomy and found the list of verbs very useful. I will keep in mind these verbs for my planning . See this link
There are probably many others. Feel free to share if you found other lists.
Now to be honest, what I struggled when writing the learning objective was with 'degree' because when trying to write an objective for my class for Research methods, it just sounded off.

One of the objectives of my class, considering the ABCD model would be:

Given a specific topic provided by the teacher on Linguistics (CONDITION), the students (AUDIENCE) will be able to write a 10 note cards, layout in bullet-points the content of their topic and bibliography for their topic -MLA style-, illustrating the first 2 steps of a term paper (DEGREE).

What do you think? I am open for input.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Week 1: Getting the feeling of blogging

Creating a blog can be a bit confusing if it is something new. It requires time, concentration, and be able to follow instructions. Thankfully, the links shared in wiki and in the online class were clear. Not too much, not too little.

Now the next step, which will new for me, is the use of the different tabs that could be used in a blog! I saw that Davor is using mood tab. Nice idea! How can you do that? Once you get the hang of it, blogging can be fun and be a space of deep reflection.

Week 1: Introducing myself

Hi everyone! My name is Diana Melissa Ramos Vaesken, but you can call me Melissa. I am from Asuncion, Paraguay (South America). I have been teaching English for 7 years. Currently I am a pedagogic advisor for agricultural schools at a local NGO. Plus teaching at uni twice a week.
I hope to learn more about the different tools and techniques of the web and try to spread this knowledge with other teachers and in my own class.

Here I am going to share my reflection on the Webskills course I am taking for 10 weeks. I invite my classmates to feel free to share their thoughts in my blog :) and hopefully, learn together!